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What is ADaM- Day:01 of Onco-ADaM project

ADaM, short for Analysis Data Model, transforms raw data into analysis-ready datasets, crucial for clinical research. While SDTM standardizes data, ADaM prepares it for analysis. Dive into the world of ADaM with me! Understanding its three key structures: 1. ADSL (Subject Level Analysis Dataset) ADSL: The backbone of analysis. 2. BDS (Basic Data Structure) ADLB, ADEX, ADEG, and ADVS: Building blocks for insightful analysis. 3. OCCDS (Occurrence Data Structure) ADCM, ADAE: Uncover critical occurrences for thorough analysis. To kickstart ADaM programming, essential documents include: 1. ADaM Implementation Guide ( ADaMIG ) 2. Protocol : The blueprint of study design and objectives. 3. CRF : Capturing crucial data points. 4. SAP : Guiding the analysis journey. 5. Mockup Shells : Visualizing dataset structures. 6. ADaM Specification : Navigating dataset creation. 7. Raw SDTM dataset : The foundation of analysis. In this project, armed with these documents, I started the journey by: 1. Prot...

Creation of BDS Datasets- Day 05 of Onco-ADaM Project


The Basic Data Structure (BDS) is a fundamental element within the Analysis Data Model (ADaM), which is a significant component of the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC).

BDS is the standard domain structure in ADaM, designed to facilitate the creation of analysis-ready datasets.

This structure allows for one or more records per subject per analysis parameter per analysis time point.

All the BDS datasets usually follow same variables, with a sprinkle of dataset specific suffix's. Examples are ADVS, ADLB, ADEG.

Some of the common variables in BDS datasets

Common variables in BDS datasets:

  • TRTP
  • TRTA
  • PKFL
  • ADT
  • ADTM
  • ATM
  • ADY
  • AVAL
  • BASE
  • CHG
  • ANL01FL
  • —ORRES
  • —SEQ
  • —DTC
  • —DY

variables in ADLB dataset:

  • SHIFT1

Variables in ADEG dataset:

  • PCHG

Steps to create a BDS Dataset

  1. Creating library.

  2. Merging with ADSL dataset

    1. Sorting the LB dataset by USUBJID
    2. Merging with ADSL with full join
      • Creating all the renaming variables
  3. Creation derived variables

    1. Analysis date time variable
    2. Defining Analysis visit variable
    3. Addressing parameter variables
  4. Baseline concept

    1. Separating pre base variables (TRTSDT>ADT)

    2. Creating baseline flag and base variable. (Use LAST.PARAMCD statement sorted by USUBJID PARAMCD ADT ADTM)

    3. Sort the datasets both the base and master dataset by USUBJID PARAMCD —SEQ variables.

    4. Merging with master dataset

      1. Merge for Analysis baseline flag only (ABLFL)
        • keeping only USUBJID PARAMCD —SEQ from base dataset.
        • use only left join.
      2. Merge for Base variable only (BASE)
        • Keep only USUBJID PARAMCD.
        • Use left join.
      3. Creating the change (CHG) and percentage change (PCHG) variable
  5. Creation of Derivation variable

    Usually depends by the requirement. for me in ADVS it was Last Observation Carry Forward (LOCF) and in ADLB it was Minimum observation, in ADEG it was Worst case (WOCF).

    Below is the example for ADLB DYPE derivation

    1. Creating a dataset by sorting the master dataset by PARAMCD and Date and time variable (USUBJID PARAMCD ADT ADTM).
    2. Defining the variables
    3. Append the above dataset with the master dataset.
  6. Now create the remaining variables, here the variables were:

    1. Analysis Phase (APHASE)- in which phase the vitals are done (for e.g.,- Pre-tx, On-tx or Post-tx).
    2. Analysis Record Flag 01 (ANl01FL).
  7. Sorting by Key variable

  8. Creating final dataset


Here I have mentioned only ADVS dataset, but the concept for making BDS datasets is almost same just some dataset specific variable differs


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Creation of ADSL Dataset - Day:02 of Onco-ADaM Project

 Introduction Hey everyone, welcome to day 2 of the Onco-ADaM project! Today, I'll be working on creating the ADSL dataset, which is similar to DM for SDTM. Let's keep it short and simple. ADSL stands for Subject-Level Analysis Dataset, containing one record per subject regardless of the clinical trial design. The main dataset for creating ADSL is SDTM.DM. We won't include every variable, as that's not the purpose of ADSL. It's designed to include variables necessary for analysis only. ADSL includes demographic information, key date variables, randomization factors, planned and actual treatment variables, subject-level population flag, subgrouping variables, and baseline values. Variables in ADSL I am not including the general variables like USUBJID, SITEID, AGE, SEX, etc. Note that the variables I mention is not limited to this. a. Key Date variables RFICDT (Informed Consent Date) RANNDT (Randomization Date) TRTSDT (Treatment Start Date) TRTEDT (Treatment...